Thursday, December 21, 2017

Living the life of Presence

As the calendar year comes to an end, many of us reflect on the time that has passed, rethink and look forward to the next chapter.

In the midst of the holiday busyness not always do we find time for that.

Every one of us has a thing that challenges us in our lives.
I do believe that a lot of us need more time and space for self-reflection. In other words, many of us just need to live more in presence. It all sounds good. It even sounds great, I think!

But talking is cheap. There is a big difference between talking about something and living it.
I feel that a lot of people including myself often struggle with finding time just  Be without actively doing something. Just go inwards and be in the present moment. Some of us even feel guilty doing that! I think that's insane.

It is our crazy intense World that puts a lot of pressure on us to do, to achieve, to plan, to look for tomorrow...

But don't we lose the most precious moment - now? The more we look outwards, the more we get disconnected from our limitless source. The more we get identified with who we are not.

In reality, it is not that difficult to find 10-15 min a day for yourself. Sure, like everything else in life, it requires some dedication - time and effort to build a loving relationship with Yourself.

How can we do that?

There are lots of ways to be present. Meditation is a beautiful tool, but not everyone is ready for that. It is fine. Whatever makes us be fully immersed in the moment Is already a meditation. It is as simple as that, whether it is drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, watching the sky, listening to the music, walking in nature or anything else. Anything can be our meditation as long as we are entirely in it.

Bring it into your life. Be here and now.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
