Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Coconut pineapple parfait

Here I want to share a light non diary dessert recipe. It is easy to make and tastes delicious. 

You will need:

1 cup of coconut cream or milk (if you choose milk, consider high fat (from 16% to 25 %), usually sold in cans (my preferred brands are "Organic Coconut milk" or "Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk")
1/3 cup of Muesli  or Granola
1/2 cup of fresh pineapple 
1 teaspoon of hemp seed
1/2 lemon
3 tablespoons of sweetener ( I used palm sugar, but it could also be maple syrup, agave syrup or coconut sugar)
5-7 drops of Vanilla/Almond extract

Use blender to make a whipped cream from coconut milk, sweetener,  lemon juice, and vanilla/almond extract.

Add muesli or granola on the bottom of the glass, pour coconut whipped cream, add pineapple peaces and sprinkle hemp seeds on top . 

Bon Appetite!


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Is Love underrated?

As the holiday season comes, we talk more about love, joy, and peace. But how truly we feel it and mean it when we say these words? How many times on a regular day we think about it and appreciate it?

Let's talk about love. Not romantic love, but LOVE that is the greatest power of all, love that flows in every living creature on Earth. Indeed, true love has NO opposite. I don’t believe that opposite of love is hate.

I see love in everything whether it is a tree, a river, a sky or the eyes of a human being. We are the reflections of each other and even under the skin of the angriness and hatred there is ONLY love.

Honestly, there isn't a lot of people out there who think like that. And If you are reading this post and forget about it right away, that's ok.

There is a time for everything.

It is not easy to put into words as simply as that. What is love?
Love is the reason, and love is the cause. Love is all there is and love is all there ever will be. It is eternal. Love is You and You are It.
Happy holidays!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Yoga flow to help circulation

Hello everyone!

As we approach the coldest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere some of you may find it really effective doing this yoga flow. In this video I demonstrate a yoga flow to improve a circulation. It is especially beneficial for those who have hold hands and feet in winter!

Enjoy and have fun!


Sunday, December 11, 2016

What is meditation?

In this video I explain how to apply meditation in practice. Hope you enjoy and learn something new!

Always ask, if you have any questions!

Thank you for watching and reading my blog!


Much Love
