Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Why strengthening your buttocks is important?

Under the buttocks term lies two big important muscles of our bodies- gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. They are often called “gluts”. Below you can see the anatomical pictures of these muscles.

In my posts, I concentrate on health rather than good looks. So, besides that everyone wants to have nice buttocks, I do emphasize the importance of it to our health.

Gluteus maximus “locks” the hips and is a crucial postural muscle. Weak gluteus maximus often represents as a hidden cause of the low back pain or shortened hamstrings. Because of the weakness of gluteus maximus, other muscles overtake the load and get tensed.

Gluteus medius is responsible for the pelvic position in the frontal plane.  If we deactivated this muscle on one side, the pelvis would drop every time we would take a step. And thus, we would overload the lower back on one side and create other issues related to knee pain (patellofemoral syndrome, ITB syndrome). It would almost look this way (picture below).

To avoid all these issues and keep your body in proper alignment I recommend doing the buttocks exercises which you can watch on my video. Please note, that to have a correct posture it is important to develop muscle endurance rather than strength. Endurance keeps your body in certain positions for long hours during the day. Having strong muscle does not necessarily means muscle that can last long. In my programs, I mainly concentrate on endurance activation.

Please watch it and always PRACTICE!

Practice makes it perfect permanent.


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