Thursday, January 16, 2020

How to overcome limited believes?

“A thought without belief is nothing at all. A thought with belief can start a war.” Mooji

Our beliefs shape our lives. And only the thought we believe we can manifest.

It starts already in a child, for example, girls are being dressed in pink, boys in blue. And then certain culture forms another belief, so does religion, educational system, society. And all these “shoulds and should nots”  kind of make an identity costume. Is it bad? No, if one is identified with any of these or other garments is completely fine with that, great. And the big part of the society encourages us to identify with something: nationality, religion, gender, occupation etc… Nobody wants to be “nacked”. Sounds funny, but it is true.

The seeker who wants to know himself/herself understands that none of the identity costumes are true for him/her. It is only the surface, just like the clothes which we wear every day are not who we are.
The seeker tries to find out himself/herself and usually it comes through challenges. Without them there is no growth.

Most likely when we face difficulties in life we start questioning who we really are beyond our physicality. We realize the that we are not who we are being told or we are not who we thought we are. The body is going to die one day, that is true, if you are a mother/father, your children will grow one day, if you are a perfect worker, you are going to retire one day, if you are beautiful women or handsome man, you are going to get older one day and so the list goes on… The “garments” will fade, that is inevitable.

It is also true, that nobody through the centuries and thousands of years had answered exactly what is the true nature of human existence. And why do you need to know that? Well, if you have read up to this point, I guess you have some interest in YourSelf.

All answers are within us. I find it extremely powerful to be connected to the wasteness of our Universe through meditations, prayers and gratitude. For whatever reasons we start seeking for help “from above”, it has the answers, it has the faith and all the help we need at the given moment. Only if we are ready to listen to it. It may not be direct, it may not be instant, but it is here for us.

Through my own journey of looking for deeper meaning in life and seeking mySelf, I also realized how important it is to shut yourself from unnecessary distractions: e.g. social media, emails, even connections with certain people who with their various intentions not only do not help you, but also disturb your inner peace.  Send them love and do what is best for you.

Just sinking deep within every day through meditation or silent sitting is such a beautiful way of being in a present moment. That moment where your mind melts, your past and future has not power over you and there is nothing but absolute unconditional Love that we all are.

I wish you wonderful day.

I find these wonderful guided meditations to be very powerful:

Also, writing a gratitude list every morning or evening makes me appreciate every moment of this existence more and more.

Love and Peace

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