Friday, January 3, 2020

Why nutrition matters?

I am big supporter of plant-based nutrition. However, I also know that everything has a right time and place.

We best learn from examples and more so from the experiences, therefore I speak from my own experience based on my own explorations.
I started a plant-based diet four years ago and I did not consume diary, red meat and white flower for over decade.

Today, it’s been about a year as I mainly eat raw vegan food and it has been one of the best discoveries in my own evolution. I feel better than 10 years ago and probably even better then 15 years ago. Sometimes, I wish I did it way earlier, but again, everything has a right time and place.
Therefore, diet to me is a big, very big component of an optimal health and quality of life.

It is definitely not the only component, but as everything else does not exists by itself, so is the diet. It goes hand in hand with exercise, sleep, mental state of being etc…
It is important not only what we eat, but also how we eat, what ingredients we choose and how we prepare our meals.

I definitely, recommend going on plant food diet and if not, at least reduce animal product to a minimum. If you have already done so, include more uncooked meals and maybe gradually go towards raw food diet.

Personally, my day always starts with a green smoothie. And I can’t imagine otherwise anymore.
Green smoothie not only provides anything you need for a day (balanced amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients) it also supports the energy that is light and enduring.

The beauty of raw diet is that, you do not have to think too much of the nutrients, vitamins etc… Raw food has a high bioavailability which keeps the body energized but not “high”, it definitely does not overload the digestion system, because the caloric value is not as high and it is usually easily digested.

It keeps the body hydrated, because the raw food contains a lot of water, so you do not need to drink that much anymore.

In a long term, I strongly believe that organic, whole raw food diet is a key prevention for cancer, mental and cardiovascular diseases and it overall affects the lifestyle in so many positive ways.
I do not agree on terms that it is not for everyone. Maybe not today and maybe not now, but it is wonderfully balanced and efficient way of consuming the food.

Here are some sources of a great recipes to begin with, which I use a lot myself:

Raw food recipe sources:

Another important thing is to consider periodic fasting: not only to give your digestion system a break to digest, but also allow the body to recover. New studies show that digestion system produces more dopamine than our brain.  Only when it functions properly. Digestion processes use more than 70% of our energy. While on the fasting regime the body can use the energy for healing, restauration or simply best self-expression. Isn't' that amazing? So, give it a break.

16/8 hours fasting/eating windows is a great time frame that I highly recommend. Try it for couple of weeks and see what happens. Most likely you will not want to go back to where you were before.
If you already doing so, congratulations!

And as with everything else, especially when starting, observe how you feel, what feels right for you, there is no one formula for everybody, you have to discover your own.



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