Saturday, February 20, 2016

How to build a strong core?

Many of us want to have strong cores to better go through the day.
If you experience back, neck pain at the end of the day from sitting too much or you are not able to stay up straight for a long time you might have weak core muscles.
By core, I mean deeper layers of abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscle. Theses muscles are the primary holders of keeping our bodies erected.  For the one who wants to start working out, a strong core is a must. Many cases of undiagnosed back pain often reflects the imbalances and weakness of the core muscles. Here comes the picture to visualize the anatomy of these important muscles.

As you may see, I am not talking about rectus abdominus, which is in the outermost layer of the abdominal wall. Core muscles is a group of tightly connected muscles in the deepest layer of the musculature. These muscles are the closest attached to the bones, and so they work as body stabilizers. It is like a structure of the building where the construction has to be connected.

First, I invite you to do a core strength test. Which you may find here
Don't get scared if you don't go through the test, there is always room for improvement.
Second, I invite you to watch my video where I demonstrate simple core strengthening exercises to start with.
I hope you will find it beneficial. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions, suggestions. I am always open to the discussion.



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